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On behalf of the Medical Cannabis Institute, we are delighted you have chosen MMJi.  
MMJI welcome you to our Institute community and hope you will make the most out of your learning experience.
This Handbook applies to all in-person and online course.
During this course, we will cover the following:
  • State laws and rules relating to marijuana
  • Qualifying conditions and their common symptoms
  • Short-and long-term positive and negative effects of cannabinoids
  • Products that may benefit qualifying patients, based on the patient’s condition, any potential contraindications and the risks and benefits of various routes of administration
  • Risks and warning signs of overuse, abuse and addiction
  • Safe handling of marijuana products
  • Ethics, customer privacy and rights
Upon completing an approved training program: WAC 246-72-020
An applicant for a medical marijuana consultant certificate must submit to the department
(1) An initial application on forms provided by the department.Click here
(2) Fees required under WAC 246-72-110.
(3) Proof of successful completion of an approved training program.
(4) Proof of being age twenty-one or older. Acceptable forms of proof are a copy of the applicant’s valid driver’s license or other government-issued identification card, United States passport, or certified birth certificate;
(5) Proof of current CPR  (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) certification requirements to include both written and skills demonstration; and
(6) Any other documentation required by the secretary.
To help expedite the application process to get your certificate from DOH for students who submitted an application already however missed one of these documents students can quickly get it to the DOH by:
o   Email: hsqafacilitiescredentialing@doh.wa.gov
o   In Person: Come to DOH in Person (Town Center 2 Directions)
o   Or Mail it In: See address on application
If a student has a question about the status of their application they can email the address above or call the credentialing unit at 360.236.4985.
WAC 246-72-080 Renewals and updating license information.
(1) Certificates must be renewed every year on the certificate holder’s birthday. Initial certificates issued within ninety days of the certificate holder’s birthday do not expire until the person’s next birthday.
(a) Prior to the certificate expiration date, courtesy renewal notices are mailed to the address on file. Certificate holders must return the renewal notice when renewing their credential. Failure to receive a courtesy renewal notice does not relieve or exempt the renewal requirement.
(2) Renewals:
(b) The certificate holder must attest to completion of annual certification requirements.
(c) Renewal fees are accepted by the department no sooner than ninety days prior to the expiration date.
(3) Duplicate certificate:
A certificate holder may obtain a duplicate certificate by submitting a written request to the department and paying the fee as required in WAC 246-72-990.
(4) Name changes:
It is the responsibility of each certificate holder to maintain his or her correct name on file with the department. Requests for name changes must be submitted in writing to the department along with documentation showing the name was legally changed.
(5) Address changes:
It is the responsibility of each certificate holder to maintain his or her current address on file with the department. Requests for address changes may be made either by telephone or in writing. The mailing address on file with the department will be used for mailing of all official matters to the certificate holder.
WAC 246-72-090 Expired certificate.
(1) A certificate holder may not practice at any time while his or her certificate is expired. The certificate is expired if the certificate holder does not renew on or before the expiration date. Any renewal that is postmarked or presented to the department after midnight on the expiration date is expired and is subject to a late renewal penalty fee.
(2) If the certificate has been expired for more than three months and less than three years, the certificate holder must:
(a) Complete a late renewal application form;
(b) Pay the renewal fee;
(c) Pay the late renewal penalty fee;
(d) Provide proof of successful completion of required continuing education under WAC 246-72-100;
(e) Provide proof of current CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) certification requirements to include both written and skills demonstration; and
(f) Provide any other documentation required by the secretary.
(3) If the certificate has been expired for three years or more,
The certificate holder must:
(a) Complete a new application form;
(b) Pay the current application fee;
(c) Retake and provide proof of successful completion of an approved training program within the prior six months;
(d) Provide proof of current CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) certification to include both written and skills demonstration; and
(e) Provide any other documentation required by the secretary.
WAC 246-72-100 Continuing education.
(1) Certificate holders must complete a minimum of ten hours of continuing education each year in order to renew the certificate.
(2) Continuing education hours may be earned through seminars, lectures, workshops, and professional conferences. Continuing education credits may be earned through in-person or distance learning. Distance learning includes correspondence courses, webinars, audio/ video broadcasting, audio/video teleconferencing e-learning, or web casts. Acceptable topics are:
(a) Washington state laws and rules relating to marijuana;
(b) Science-based information about marijuana;
(c) Addiction and substance abuse;
(d) Communication skills;
(e) Professional ethics and values.
(3) Continuing education topics may not include:
(a) Business and management courses;
(b) Health care training unrelated to marijuana; or
(c) Any topic unrelated to the practice parameters of a medical marijuana consultant.
(4) Continuing education hours will not be carried over from one reporting period to another.
(5) A certificate holder must provide acceptable documentation of completion of continuing education hours upon request of the secretary or an audit. Acceptable forms of documentation are:
(a) Transcripts;
(b) Certificate of completion; or
(c) Other formal documentation which includes:
(i) Participant’s name;
(ii) Course title;
(iii) Course content;
(iv) Date(s) of course;
(v) Provider’s name(s); and
(vi) Signature of the program sponsor or course instructor. Distance learning courses are exempt from the signature requirement.
(6) A certificate holder must verify compliance by submitting assigned declaration of compliance.
(7) Up to twenty-five percent of certificate holders are randomly audited for continuing education compliance after the credential is renewed. It is the certificate holder’s responsibility to submit documentation of completed continuing education activities at the time of the audit. Failure to comply with the audit documentation request or failure to supply acceptable documentation within sixty days may result in suspension or revocation of the certificate.
(8) A certificate holder must maintain records of continuing education completion for at least four years.
MMJ Institute Student Handbook
MMJI Grading Policy
To pass any of the Institute’s courses, students must maintain an average of 70% cumulative exam score.  Students who do not meet the passing requirement may re-take the course at its full cost during the scheduled retake time or at the next scheduled course.  Make-up time will be available for single exams after each in-person class.  For online courses students will have the ability to retake each quiz 1 time at no additional costs if failed.
MMJI Civility Statements
  1. Because this class needs to be a participatory community if students are to fulfill their potential for learning, people who disrupt the community by their words or actions disrupt that community. Rude, sarcastic, obscene, or disrespectful speech and disruptive behavior have a negative impact on everyone’s learning. When a person disrupts the class in these ways, the course instructor will remove the disruptive person from the class without refund of any tuition fees or expenses.
  2. Instructors at the MMJ Institute are committed to developing and actively protecting a class environment in which respect must be shown to everyone in order to facilitate and encourage the expression, testing, understanding and creation of a variety of ideas and opinions. Failure to meet these standards will result in removal from the class.
  3. Any successful learning experience requires mutual respect on behalf of the student and the instructor. The instructor, as well as the fellow students, should not be subjected to any student’s behavior that is in any way disruptive, rude, or challenging to the instructor’s authority in the classroom. A student should not feel intimidated or demeaned by his/her instructor and students must remember that the instructor has primary responsibility for control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic integrity. The instructor can order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct violating the general rules and regulations of the institution.
  4. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to the following: receiving beeper or cell phone calls during class, leaving class early or coming to class habitually late, eating in class, talking out of turn, doing assignments for other classes, reading the Daily News, sleeping, and engaging in other activities that detract from the classroom learning experience.
  5. It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to determine, maintain and enforce the standards of behavior acceptable to preserving an atmosphere appropriate for teaching and learning. Students will be warned if their behavior is evaluated by the faculty member as disruptive.
Sanctions may include a range of responses from immediate removal from class to without refunds of tuition or fees and permanent expulsion from all programs.
Student Responsibilities
It is the student’s responsibility to:
1. read and understand the contents of the institute policies terms and conditions.
2. become familiar will all institutes policies and procedures.
3. be aware of all institutes deadlines, including dates for registration, change of registration and fee payment.
4. contribute to the maintenance of a campus environment conducive to intellectual curiosity, civility and diversity.
5. keep the university informed of changes in address, phone number, enrollment changes which might affect financial aid awards and/or any other circumstances which could affect satisfactory progress toward a degree.
Student Expectations
Students are expected to:
1. attend class and complete all assignments in accordance with the expectations established by their instructors and programs of study.
2. conduct themselves in the classroom in a manner which contributes to a positive learning environment for all.
3. familiarize themselves with all university policies and procedures. 4. ask questions and seek clarification, direction and guidance to any class assignment, university policy or procedure which is unclear.
Students may be expected to complete class requirements beyond the published meeting times.
9. Respect and Responsibilities: Students can expect the instructor to be concerned for the educational experience of each student in the class, respectful of individual differences, encouraging of creativity, knowledgeable of and enthusiastic about the course material, prepared for class, reasonably open and accessible to discuss material and assignments, thorough and prompt in evaluating assignments, and rigorous yet supportive in maintaining high standards for performance.
Students are expected to work, individually and together, to create an atmosphere that is safe, valuing of one another, and open to diverse perspectives. Students are expected to show courtesy, civility, and respect for one another and for the instructor. Comments that degrade or ridicule another, whether based on individual or cultural differences, are unacceptable.
Prohibited Acts or Practices 
  • Behavior that undermines the evaluative objective of the examination;
  • Communication with any other examinee during the examination period;
  • Copying answers or allowing another to copy answers;
  • Possessing during the examination any books, materials, notes, or photography or recording devices not issued or approved by the independent testing service representative; or impersonating, or engaging another to impersonate, any applicant for the purpose of completing the examination on behalf of another.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual Violence and Harassment
Sexual Violence
Sexual assault defines as sexual penetration or sexual contact by coercion or force or when the victim is incapacitated, helpless or under the age of consent.
What to do in the Event of a Sexual Assault
In the event you are a victim of sexual assault, your first priority is to get to a place of safety and seek medical care. Seeking help from a hospital or trauma center ensures that a victim of sexual assault receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense. It also provides the opportunity for collection of evidence that could aid in prosecution (if chosen), that cannot be obtained later (Ideally a victim of sexual assault should not wash, douche, use the toilet or change clothing prior to a medical/legal exam.)
Once you have received appropriate medical care, you will want to seek advice on what to do next. You have multiple options available to you and you will be the person who makes the decisions.
Local, State or College Police
You can consult with a police officer trained in sexual trauma to access medical care or counseling and learn about your legal rights WITHOUT having to file a police report. If you choose to consult with Police, we will notify local law enforcement should you choose to file a criminal complaint.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment, as defined under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It can include unwelcome verbal, nonverbal and physical conduct that ranges from sexual gestures or teasing to sexual assault, acts of sexual violence, including domestic and dating violence, stalking and coerced activity. Examples of sexual harassment:
  • Verbal sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, sexual comments, jokes and innuendoes, whistles and cat calls, crude and offensive language, comments on physical attributes, use of demeaning or inappropriate terms, discussion of sexual activities, the posing of personal questions, the spreading of stories about someone’s social or sexual life, and propositions or pressure for social or sexual contact.
  • Nonverbal sexual harassment includes sexually explicit stares, gestures implying sexual activity, following someone or blocking their path, the display of sexually explicit or suggestive images, the secret recording of sexual acts or objects.
  • Physical sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, unwanted touching, patting, grabbing, pinching, hugging, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and rape.
  • Peer sexual harassment is a form of prohibited sex discrimination where the harassing conduct creates a hostile environment when it is unwelcome and when the conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive to limit a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the educational program or to create a hostile or abusive educational environment.
  • Stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct (two or more acts) directed at a specific person what would cause a reasonable person to:
  1. Fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others
  2. Suffer substantial emotional distress, even if said distress does not require medical treatment or counseling
Filing a Complaint
If a student feels that he or she is being harassed in the above manner by another student, the student should notify Don Le, director of students immediately. Complaints against a faculty or staff member should be directed to Henry Chae legal council of the institute.
Students with Disabilities
In accordance with federal and state laws, the Medical Marijuana Institute will not deny admission to or otherwise discriminate against a qualified applicant solely on the basis of disability. In addition, no otherwise qualified student with a disability shall be denied the opportunity to participate in or benefit from an aid, benefit or service offered by the MMJI and recognizes disability as a form of diversity that strengthens and enriches the campus communities and is committed to creating an educational environment that is supportive, accepting and accessible to all students.
To receive support services, students with disabilities must self-identify with the enrollment coordinator  on the MMJI campus at least 20 days prior to enrolling into class and they attend and provide the enrollment office with current and appropriate documentation of the disability that supports the need for the accommodations requested. MMJI will make modifications to academic requirements where appropriate and provide the necessary reasonable accommodations to ensure accessibility. The institution cannot, however, make modifications that would substantially change the essential elements of a curriculum. While striving to meet the individual needs of all students, MMJI reserves the right to set and maintain standards for academic performance and personal conduct.
**The MMJ Training Institute (MMJI) provides opportunities for students and
alumni to develop job-search skills and provides resources to help identify potential employment. MMJI does not guarantee job placement for students nor for alumni.
The MMJI serves as a referral source for jobs and other opportunities and generally cannot make specific
recommendations regarding industry employers. MMJI makes no guarantees about the
positions listed.
MMJI is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or any other aspects of off-campus/site employment. While we expect employers to adhere to ethical standards, we are not able to research the integrity of each organization or individual that lists a job with us. Students and alumni are urged to ask good questions and use common sense when applying for any job or internships, particularly with respect to employment in a private home or other opportunities not affiliated with an established public or private sector organization. We encourage you to research prospective employers using resources made available by MMJI, as well as other tools, such as the internet.
Please contact the MMJI with questions or if you believe any employer listing jobs or
internships with the MMJI has misrepresented opportunities or has otherwise engaged in unethical
conduct concerning recruitment or employment practices.